
When She Posed For This Photo In a Bikini, She Never Expected To Cause This Much Of A Stir!

Rachel Hollis was on holiday recently and posed for a lovely photo on the beach, looking rather alluring in a new bikini. She posted the picture on Facebook, expecting a few likes and comments. But she couldn’t have been more wrong about the reaction to it… The post ending up going viral, racking up over 450,000 likes and more than 60,000 shares in no time at all! Can you believe that?! But what was so special about it? Well, when you consider that most of the likes, comments and shares were from women, that might help explain things…

Rachel runs an events company and blog called The Chic Site where she plans events and offers advice on things like family, lifestyle and cooking advice. She has a decent following, but never saw so many women appreciating her snap. And why did they? Well, Rachel hadn’t long given birth. It was a brave photograph to pose for and share. But Rachel is proud of her family and body.

Sure, there’s a few stretchmarks and slightly loose skin, but Rachel’s a real woman and looks real beautiful. See what we mean!



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