
This Girl’s Webcam Wouldn’t Turn Off – But That Was The Least Of Her Worries…

A young girl gets a new laptop and one of the first things she does with it is to call her mom using the webcam and have a face-to-face chat. Nothing unusual about that, is there? Well, no. But the story is about to take a dark turn. The camera never turns off. It remains on and recording constantly, catching the young woman unawares and in various compromising situations. Why? Well, because it’s been hacked… Someone is watching her.

This short film, from ZBros Productions is called ‘Webcam’ but it’s not a flight of fancy. This story is based on actual events. Webcam hacking is a problem. Hackers are able to get in and control the camera, without the person knowing anything about it. It’s pretty disturbing, right? Right.

What do you think?

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