
Her Husband Beats Her And Her Daughter. One Day These Bikers Turned Up To Help Them Out…

We’ve all seen Sons of Anarchy, so we reckon we have a pretty good idea of what bikers are like. They’re big, scary, bearded guys who drink liquor and have gang fights. Is this picture right, though? Maybe not… Allow us to introduce BACA, a motorcycle club that are going to turn the stereotype of bikers on its head. BACA stands for Bikers Against Child Abuse, a not-for-profit organisation which does pretty much what their name suggests.

Let’s take a look at one example; this mother and daughter had been suffering at the hands of her abusive husband for years. They approached BACA for help and what fantastic help they received. They have never felt more safe. The bikers can provide all sorts of services which protect children and their families from their abusers. Anything from picking children up from school to guarding the home 24/7.

Some of these bikers have experienced abuse themselves and have a good idea what it feels like to live in fear. As a result, they don’t want any child to feel afraid anymore. And who would feel afraid when you have a bunch of bikers on your side? What an excellent example of turning a negative stereotype into a force for good.

We love these guys at BACA, we think they do an amazing job. We’ve featured their work before here at Boredom Bash. So to see even more of these scary-looking bikers with hearts of gold, click here.

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