
Dad Tells His Daughter That Her Mom’s Pregnant… Her Reply? It Has Him In Hysterics!

Kids can react in a variety of different ways when they’re told by their parents that they’re going to be a big brother or sister. A new sibling in the family can change the dynamic of the family hugely. And it can go one of two ways with the bigger bro or sis. Some kids get really excited about having a new friend to play with and talk to. And that’s cute. Some kids, though – think differently. They get upset. After all, now the attention they get is gonna be halved.

Parents have to be diplomatic and sensitive when breaking the news. Like the wonderful parents in the clip you’re about to watch. They thought it would be a sweet thing to do to announce the news by having a special book made up about ‘how to be a big sister‘. And it was. But just what for the unexpected reaction…

What do you think?

Written by Boredom Bash


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