
Her Pregnant Mom Is In Her Fifties, But That’s Not Even The Weirdest Part!

Emily Jordan has an extraordinary family. Her mom is in her fifties and is pregnant, which is pretty unusual in itself. But that’s just the start of their amazing tale. You see, the baby is Emily’s. Her mom is acting as a surrogate for her daughter. And with good reason.

Emily was diagnosed with cervical cancer when pregnant. With the treatments she was due to receive in order to battle the cancer, there was simply no way she’d be able to have the baby. So Mom stepped in…

WOW – this is an uplifting story you’ll not want to miss.

Did you know?
Cervical cancer used to be one of the biggest killers of women in the US. But in the last thirty years, death rates have been slashed by more than 50%. Keep up the great work, researchers and doctors!

What do you think?

Written by Boredom Bash


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