
When The Lights Go Out, Her Glowing Murals Turn Into MAGICAL Worlds!


Bogi Fabian is a quite spectacular artist. She can draw and paint as well as anyone, but it’s her ability to think differently which really sets her apart from her peers. After all, who else would think to spend so long on a project that you can’t see?! If you were to walk into a room with her work in, you’d be unable to spot what she’d done… Until night came and the lights are switched off. Then her amazing other worldly dreamscapes come into full view. And they’re nothing short of spectacular…

See what we mean:


“I am trying to create dreamful atmospheres, paint walls and floors and manage to enlighten my art with and without a source of energy.” Bogi says of her work.


It’s a strange look. Being in one of these rooms gives the appearance of both daytime and night-time at once. How strange.


Fabian always makes sure that she doesn’t go overboard, though. She’s always conscious that the rooms she works in, in people’s houses, are being used. A bedroom needs to be a place for relaxing and sleeping.


She also says that her goal is to ‘create unique spaces and rooms giving them an identity and a soul, where relaxing and living become an experience.’


And we love it. Her work really is beautiful. And so unique.


The 30 year-old Hungarian artist lives in Vienna, Austria, and works in other ways too. She also creates ceramics and does body art!


But it’s her bedroom work that really stands out…


Just imagine sleeping in a room like this:


It’s not just spacescenes that Bogi works with, though. Check out this awesome underwater mural:


She also paints… Whatever this is!


Kids would love this, wouldn’t they?


Fantastic work, Bogi!

What do you think?


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