
This Is The Coolest – Possibly Most Illegal – DIY Project Ever… It’s GENIUS!

Moss Trick

It may be tempting for us all to get carried away with how cold and damp and dreary the winter months are. But there’s hope around the corner. Every day brings us closer to the season of spring. A time for warmer climes, greenery and a few more plants cropping up. Winter’s no good for those who like the color green, that’s for sure. So when March gets here, why not get green fingered and try this awesome idea… moss graffiti?! It’s exactly what it sounds like. How good, huh? Let’s find out how it’s made…


First of all, you’re going to need to track down the following ingredients:

1. A small handful of moss
2. 2 cups of buttermilk or yogurt
3. 2 cups of water
4. 1/2 teaspoon sugar
5. Some corn syrup

Moss Trick

You can find the moss on walls, the ground, trees or failing that, a local garden store.

Moss Trick

Try and remove as much of the mud and soil as you can before putting it into a blender.

Moss Trick

Then add the buttermilk or plain yoghurt, water and sugar.

Moss Trick

Don’t forget a few splashes of corn syrup to thicken up the mixture.

Moss Trick

Now blend! Only to whizz up the ingredients. Don’t overblend – you want the moss to mostly stay intact and not entirely liquefy.

Moss Trick

Once it’s in a bucket and you’ve got yourself a paintbrush, you’re ready to graffiti!

Moss Trick

Get painting! Give it time to grow and feel free to water the area lightly to encourage moss growth.

Moss Trick (2)

See what happens…? Brilliant!

Moss Trick

Once you get the hang of it you can really get creative!

Moss Trick

It doesn’t have to be lettering or messages…

Moss Trick

But it sure can be! What a neat little idea this is.

Moss Trick

H/T: NYMeta

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